Dignified Deliverance Book

By Author Kelly M. Timmer

For those who’ve had repeated
prayer and counsel for a specific
issue and not yet had Freedom.

The Book – Dignified Deliverance

Have you had repeated prayer and counsel for a specific issue and only had limited and short-term freedom at best? Have you been calling out to God, desperate for change in a particular area of life? Are there certain thoughts and behaviors that you cannot control, no matter how hard you try? Maybe, you have tried medications or alternative therapies without lasting success.

If this describes you – Be Encouraged 

If you are struggling, don’t allow the enemy to shame you into staying the same. You don’t have to cope anymore, Jesus died so you could be completely free.

The word “salvation” means “delivered”. Therefore, I believe every Christian should go through deliverance, but not everyone has the understanding or support to do so. I wrote this book with a gentler, more intentional approach. My greatest desire is to return dignity to deliverance through a 7-step process and in doing so, you will shut the doors to the demonic attacks, cancel their legal rights, and experience forever freedom of the mind, body, and spirit.

This Book Will Change Everything!

Dignified Deliverance Book

What you get out of this book depends on what you put into it.

When you go through the steps, close the doors, and remove every legal right from the enemy, you will see changes in every aspect of your life. I have heard countless testimonies of long-term changes in those that have read and done the work. Some said they made instant changes to their outer appearance (style of clothing, hairstyle, make-up, and just overall countenance). Others experienced new desires and preferences in hobbies, entertainment, and even relationships. Many broke addictions to drugs, alcohol, pornography, and even approval from others. Reactions and behaviors to previous triggers completely diminished and were replaced with love, patience, and compassion. Finances increased with the ability to stop unnecessary spending and start saving, becoming givers and no longer borrowers. And within their physical and mental health, diseases healed and symptoms disappear, depression was replaced with joy and fear with boldness. Collectively, everyone has experienced a change in their heart posture towards God, their family members, and coworkers. Eyes open to seeing others through the lenses of Jesus.

And I am confident in this life-transforming book that I know God will do the same in you. It’s not my guarantee, it’s His promise!


Need A More Hands-On Approach To Deliverance?

We also offer a 7 step program that walks you through the book, and to freedom in Jesus Christ.

Dignified Deliverance

There are several ways to do deliverance, some are good, and some are incredibly eccentric. We have found that deliverance does not need to be this way. We created this 7-step virtual program that offers 1 on 1 counseling which will focus on your specific strongholds, traumas, and triggers. A trained minister will walk with you side by side so that you will receive the forever freedom Christ died for. You don’t need to live in bondage to the enemy anymore.

• Identify and cancel the lies of the enemy that have distorted your perception of yourself and your relationship with Jesus.
• Learn taboo topics including different types of sin and occult activities that most Christians will never hear preached from a pulpit.
• Identify and break ungodly soul ties, generational and word curses.
• Receive a personal deliverance session – calling out each stronghold specifically that you deal with.
• Forever Free Follow-up Session includes the next steps to maintain freedom.